I am available for online readings, don't hesitate to contact me!

Happy new year! Tiniye releases first album right before the year 2020 ends.

TinieTarot is also a musician and singer-songwriter. Discover her first album release here. At least one good thing came from last year 🙂

I wish everybody a year full of inspired action, loving kindness, deep healing, true love and divine connection. May 2021 bring human kind closer to their natural state of oneness, with all living beings. May this unity in diversity open up realms of opportunity and miracles, ready to unfold. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for! We can do better and I trust we will. So much love!! Enjoy the rest of the holidays and remember to take advantage of the TinieTarot promotions for another whole month! Yay!!


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About the Author

TinieTarot is a singer-songwriter and tarot reader, a projector with emotional authority, a Leo with ascendant Cancer, a Cosmic Sun, an earth goat and an INFJ-T. She is also a full time parent and loves to cook, bake, read and watch Netflix with her son and her hubby.

Trust your intuition. Take a leap of faith.

Regretting something you didn't do is worse than regretting something you did... Nothing to lose, only experience and wisdom to gain.