Tarot readings don’t have to be intricate to be useful. The following lay-outs are ideal for doing your own reading, but of course you can do friends or family a favour with these quick and easy readings as well. The spreads can also serve as starting points for more in-depth work with more cards, but they work just as well in their own right. Let’s get to it!
Get motivated
If you feel uninspired and stuck, this reading might get you out of the rut. Instead of procrastinating and wasting precious time, make yourself a cup of tea and do this reading. It will clarify what’s blocking you and what to do to get motivated.

Find your direction
Feeling lost and insecure about where you are heading in life? Do you feel it’s time for a career move, but you don’t know which direction to move into? Try this reading, it could change your life.

Anger and resentment are legitimate feelings but have to be released once they have run their course. When we hold on to negative feelings, they will eventually impact our relationships and our health. If you feel unable to forgive, this reading might be a start.