I am honoured you are checking this website and you are considering me as your consultant. As a teen I already dabbled in fortune telling, palmistry, astrology and all kinds of stuff that sceptics will roll their eyes at. I never got very far though, since I lacked the understanding that these ancient methods are tools for self-reflection rather than for telling the future. Besides that, I was turned off by the complexity and the vast amount of knowledge that seemed to be necessary to get started. Only later I discovered how wrong this idea was.
the way of the tarot
In my late twenties I discovered Jodorowsky’s The way of the Tarot, and something changed. I finally began to see the greater structures in the Arcana’s, which helped tremendously to see meaning in the cards. On top of that, I learned to trust my intuition more. With the addition of Numerology taught to me by my dear friend and mentor Ilian Bogev, I got deeper into Tarot than ever before and eventually ventured from doing my own readings into doing readings for friends and acquaintances. I explored other readers, other approaches and other decks (the Osho tarot for one, was an amazing eye- and heart opener) and honestly, the more I learn, the more I feel there is more to learn!
access to universal wisdom
Human experience has been fundamentally described through numbers and symbols all through history; the Chinese I Ching and the Celtic runes are well known examples of this. In its own colourful yet provoking way the Tarot gives access to a realm of richly layered, universal and archetypal wisdom that can be applied in all fields of life.
inspired inspiration
I take great pleasure in guiding anyone who is curious enough through a private reading and hopefully inspire them with my inspiration, while at once being inspired by them.